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How Baobab Powder Benefits Gut Health and So Much More

How Baobab Powder Benefits Gut Health and So Much More - KAIBAE

What is Baobab Powder?

Baobab Trees (Adansonia digitata) grow wild throughout the African Savanna and produce fruit pods with incredibly nutrient-rich fruit powder. Known as "the African Tree of Life,"  Baobabs have been revered by communities for centuries as a source of food and medicine.

Despite their harsh environment, baobabs can become massive— one giant baobab tree grew 100 feet tall and 36 feet in diameter ! Baobab trees are resilient and magnificent. According to One Earth, carbon dating Baobab trees has shown that they may live to be 3000 years old! These majestic trees store water in their trunks during the rainy season and concentrating essential nutrients for longevity, reflected in their leaves, bark, fruit powder, and seeds.

Baobab powder requires minimal processing and is considered a raw ingredient rich in prebiotic fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, Baobab Powder is mildly sweet and tangy and traditionally used in drinks, porridges, and soups.

Baobab trees the African tree of life I KAIBAE

Baobab Powder Benefits

1. Baobab powder is a great source of vitamin C

Baobab powder has 6 times more vitamin C than an orange and provides 33% of the recommended daily amount in just one tablespoon. We obtain Vitamin C through our food as it is not produced by our body. Vitamin C is vital for a healthy immune system, collagen strength, and iron absorption.Baobab powder's vitamin C content helps increase collagen and elastin production, the proteins that keep your skin supple and youthful. 

2. Baobab powder is rich in prebiotic fiber

Baobab is a super fiber  a great source of  both insoluble and soluble fibers that benefit the gut microbiome, increasing beneficial probiotics such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. The benefits of prebiotic fiber extend beyond the gut. Research shows that prebiotic fiber  can help our mood and resilience to stress and can even help to improve sleepBaobab Fruit Powder increases the production of health-promoting short-chain fatty acids acetate, propionate, and butyrate. SCFAs have many health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anticancer, cardiovascular protective, hepatoprotective, and neuroprotective activities. Reduced levels of short-chain fatty acids are linked to irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, and heart disease.

3. Baobab powder is a vegan source of calcium

Baobab powder has possibly the highest calcium content of any plant food—it provides 2 times the calcium of milk. Calcium is one of the most abundant minerals in our bodies, an essential mineral for strong bones, healthy teeth, muscle and nerve health, skin barrier integrity, and cardiovascular health.

4. Baobab powder contains more potassium than a banana

Baobab powder is an excellent source of potassium, 4 times the potassium of a banana. Along with sodium, potassium plays a role in maintaining the body's fluid balance and muscle and kidney function. Every cell needs potassium; it regulates heartbeat, relaxes blood vessels, and promotes normal blood pressure. Potassium also prevents muscle cramping, is vital in the nervous system, and calms the mind. 

5. Baobab powder is a source of magnesium

Magnesium is involved in more than 600 reactions in the body! Magnesium regulates blood sugar, heart health, and brain function. For athletes, magnesium improves leg strength and improves performance. Magnesium deficiency increases the tendency to depression, anxiety, and sleep problems. 

6. Baobab powder is a polyphenol powerhouse

Baobab powder is a polyphenol powerhouse. A single helping includes 6 times more polyphenols found in berries—these phytonutrients protect all our tissues from oxidative stress and help reduce chronic inflammation, which puts us at risk of chronic disease.

Studies show that the polyphenols in Baobab improve blood sugar balance and support gut microbiome health. A tablespoon daily in your smoothie will keep those free radicals in check!  

Chart that shows Prebiotic Baobab fruit being rich in Polyhphenols compared to other prebiotics inulin and resistant starch with no polyphenols I KAIBAE

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7. Baobab powder for healthy weight management

Baobab powder promotes the feeling of fullness and normalizes gut health, reducing harmful bacteria that contribute to obesity. Gut dysbiosis is associated with an increased tendency to depression and anxiety, which can affect appetite and energy levels; this shows that prebiotics can help you lose weight by regulating your appetite, improving mood and mental health, and increasing energy and efficiency.

8. Baobab powder is low glycemic

It's a good idea to emphasize low-glycemic foods in your diet; maintaining stable blood sugar levels throughout the day helps with energy, a healthy brain, and a balanced mood. Eating low-glycemic foods (such as fiber-rich baobab powder) that digest slower is a great way to support balanced blood sugar levels. 

Woman adding Prebiotic Baobab fruit powder stick pack to her water bottle I KAIBAE

9. Baobab powder supports gut health

The gut is home to trillions of microorganisms that help digest food, absorb nutrients, and make vitamins. Prebiotic fiber helps increase the growth of good bacteria. The benefits of a healthy gut microbiome extend beyond the digestive system, strengthening the immune function and cardiovascular, hormonal, and nervous system health.

10. Baobab powder support healthy cholesterol 

Baobab has hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects and might be beneficial for the management of lipid levels in the body. Consumption of Baobab powder lowers total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL. The beneficial effects are  attributed to its high contents of phenols, and flavonoids.

Friends sitting and laughing feeling good from head to toe with KAIBAE microbiome wellness I KAIBAE

11. Baobab powder boosts immune function 

 With 70% of your immune cells in your gut, microbiome balance is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Baobab is a multi-nutrient powerhouse with prebiotic fiber to balance the gut microbiome and vitamin C, ensuring your defenses stay strong.

12. Baobab powder for athletic performance

For athletes, optimizing gut health improves performance. In addition to prebiotic fiber, baobab powder includes magnesium, potassium, and calcium for muscle strength, performance, and recovery. 

13. Baobab powder is versatile and tastes delicious!

Baobab powder has a delightful, mild citrus flavor. Baobab powder can be mixed in water or blended in smoothies and added to pancakes, breads, sauces, desserts, and more. Our KAIBAE co-founder Barbara Maes Baobab powder tastes so good, as if "a sweet-tart met a pixie stick" or "healthy fun dip"! One favorite mix of Baobab powder with honey makes a great healthy immune treat for children (and adults, too). The KAIBAE Baobab x Honey Magic Immunity Elixir is a delicious recipe!   

baobab fruit powder is good for all ages I KAIBAE

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 14. Baobab powder is wildcrafted and sustainable

The Baobab was once considered a Lost Crop™ is a wild tree whose health and beauty benefits were previously undervalued . KAIBAE baobab powder is free of pesticides.  Your daily regimen benefits your health, helps preserve biodiversity, and promotes economic development for our partners in Ghana.  

15. KAIBAE baobab powder is single origin, directly supports communities and preserves biodiversity

KAIBAE Organic Baobab Powder is wild harvested in the northern region of Ghana, where poverty is widespread with few economic growth opportunities. KAIBAE is a B Corporation that has partnered with local communities and established a regenerative and ethical harvest of baobab fruit. Our partnership now provides a stable, year-round income, improving access to healthcare and education. 

KAIBAE works directly with communities in Africa harvesting Baobab I KAIBAE

How to Use Baobab Powder

How much baobab powder a day? Our recommended serving is 1 to 2 heaping tablespoons every day, morning or night (or both).  

For a quick boost, mix superfood baobab powder into a glass of water or juice. Baobab powder is naturally sweet and tangy so it goes well in everything from water to desserts. It can also be stirred into yogurt and oatmeal, sprinkled on fruit or salads, and added to baked goods, soups, and desserts. For delicious baobab powder recipes, check out our recipes blog and download our recipe ebook here.

Now you know why Baobab is considered a “superfood” and has been revered for centuries. Baobab powder is an incredibly nutrient rich, prebiotic food that supports gut health, glowing skin, immune health and optimal wellness inside and out. Cheers to good health!

Baobab fruit powder pod, pouch of KAIBAE baobab fruit powder and Baobab tree I KAIBAE