Get a Healthy Glow by Nourishing Your Microbiome

Updated February 1, 2024
More than a trillion microbes reside within our gut, vital to metabolic, immune, and nutritional functions, these bacteria translate all that happens in our external environment to our cells. Research shows that an imbalance of the microbiome (dysbiosis) is at the root of many common diseases in modern society. Every surface of our body that interfaces with the outside world has microbes that protect us from infection and pollution.
Studies show the skin microbiome supports healthy, beautiful skin and but also plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health. Modern life stressors can be harsh on the skin, disrupting skin barrier integrity and its microbial environment. This requires us to take extra care of the skin to maintain that healthy glow!
Wait, back up. What's my skin microbiome again?
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Your skin microbiome is the collective community of microorganisms that ensure the proper functioning of the skin. A balanced bacterial environment helps fight off infection, heal wounds, and keep acne at bay. Skin dysbiosis on the other hand may contribute to severe skin diseases.
So the bacteria on my skin is good?
Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says, “From what we can tell, a healthy skin microbiome protects against infection in much the same way a good gut microbiome does, by crowding out overgrowth of pathogenic organisms”. The typical modern lifestyle is full of things that can hurt the skin microbiome; Stress, pollution, antibacterial beauty products, and unbalanced gut flora can all negatively impact your skin. It’s important to keep your skin microbiome healthy; it aids in skin healing, limits exposure to allergens and UV radiation, minimizes free radical damage, and keeps your skin plump and moist.
How to nourish your skin microbiome
Luckily, there are things you can do to nourish your skin microbiome. Skin’s optimal pH level is around 5, so using skincare products that promote a healthy skin pH can be very beneficial. Prebiotic skincare is an emerging trend which focuses on prebiotic ingredients that feed the good bacteria in the skin microbiome. Seaweed is a popular skincare ingredient since it’s a great source of polysaccharides that provide prebiotic benefit to the skin.
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Keeping stress levels in check, staying hydrated, exercising and eating well are all things that benefit the skin microbiome (in addition to the rest of your body!). Limiting your use of antibacterial soaps, preservatives in topical products, and other harsh chemicals also helps keep the good bacteria in your skin alive and thriving.
How does gut health affect the skin microbiome?
Arguably, all skin issues are influenced by the gut microbiome and gut health in general. Your cells communicate, and a balanced gut microbiome sends messages to the rest of your body. This impacts the appearance of your skin through the gut-skin axis and has even been linked to conditions like acne and rosacea and psoriasis.
Keeping your gut healthy is a great way to improve your skin microbiome as well as your overall health. Avoiding your trigger foods, taking a good probiotic, and consuming foods rich in prebiotic fiber like KAIBAE Baobab Fruit Powder regularly are all ways to support your gut and in turn help your skin microbiome flourish.
The not-so-secret key to healthy skin
We all want to have clear, healthy skin. It’s becoming evident that the skin microbiome is essential for good-looking skin, as well as our overall health. Be mindful of the products you use, do your best to live an active lifestyle, and eat healthful foods. Take care of your gut and skin microbiome, and it will take care of you!