Baobab Quick Jam
We've got something tasty and fun (not to mention super healthy and easy!) to do with kids in the kitchen: Baobab Quick Jam!
This recipe comes from Emma Malina of Basking In Goodness. We love how simple it is without sacrificing on flavor or health— it's vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free, and is full of prebiotic fiber, vitamins and healthy fats!
1 cup frozen berries
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp @eatsimpli organic chia seeds
1 tbsp KAIBAE Baobab Fruit Powder
1 pitted date, finely chopped
Toss all ingredients into a small saucepan and heat on a low simmer
for about 10 minutes. When thick and smelling delicious, your jam is
ready to be slathered over whatever you like.
This jam will last a few days in the fridge – but is so good
served hot, right out of the pan. We love it drizzled over oatmeal, as
a "syrup" on waffles or pancakes or slathered on crusty bread.
Photo Credit: Sara Prince (@heysaraprince)