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Purpose-based brands are finding success sourcing from Africa but not without hard work

New Hope Network's Nutrition Based Journal (NBJ) interviewed Kaibae co-founder Tom Cole on sourcing supplements from Africa.

...Thomas Cole knows that part of the process all too well. Cole is titled a “Botanist Humanitarian” on the founders’ page for Kaibae, makers of products from the baobab tree and other “lost crops,” and says building a supply chain and a marketing plan simultaneously was no small task. Baobab was all-but-unknown in U.S. markets when the company launched five years ago. “There’s a huge learning curve and educational curve around public relations and marketing and really getting the consumer understanding what it is we’re talking about,” Cole says. Connecting with farmers, untangling logistical challenges, building a processing infrastructure and “getting organically certified in the middle of nowhere” was simpler in comparison, he recalls.

 Read the article: Africa by the Numbers