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Sugar…..Not So Sweet For Your Gut And Skin - KAIBAE

Sugar…..Not So Sweet For Your Gut And Skin

Written by Barbara Maes
The Western Diet does not support the demands  that come with modern living. In fact, it amplifie...
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How To Boost Your Immune System With Vitamin C - KAIBAE

How To Boost Your Immune System With Vitamin C

Written by Barbara Maes
What is vitamin C?   Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin found...
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Moving Beyond Sustainability Interview with Kelly Kovack & Dr. Luc Maes - KAIBAE

Moving Beyond Sustainability Interview with Kelly Kovack & Dr. Luc Maes

Written by Barbara Maes
We just had to post this awesome big fans of BeautyMatter and Kelly Kovack's wisdom an...
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Clive Piercy, Design Icon and Brand Designer Collaboration - KAIBAE

Clive Piercy, Design Icon and Brand Designer Collaboration

Written by Barbara Maes
Clive would have been 66 years old on May 29, 2021 Clive was hilarious, he was a design legend. ...
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5 Things You Should Know About Postbiotics - KAIBAE

5 Things You Should Know About Postbiotics

Written by Barbara Maes
You know about probiotics and you’ve probably heard of prebiotics, but what about postbiotics?  I...
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It's A Matter Of Biodiversity Podcast I KAIBAE - KAIBAE

It's A Matter Of Biodiversity Podcast I KAIBAE

Written by Barbara Maes
Listen below for a heartwarming conversation between Dr. Luc Maes, co-founder of KAIBAE, and ...
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Prebiotic Skincare: Rewilding The Gut-Skin Microbiome - KAIBAE

Prebiotic Skincare: Rewilding The Gut-Skin Microbiome

Written by Carmen Eulberg
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life seen in the number of species in an ecosystem and is a...
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Why the Microbiome Matters in the Era of Covid-19 - KAIBAE

Why the Microbiome Matters in the Era of Covid-19

Written by Barbara Maes
BY DR. LUC MAES, N.D. Throughout life we are faced with numerous challenges that affect our he...
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How Gut Health Influences Lung Health - KAIBAE

How Gut Health Influences Lung Health

Written by Barbara Maes
BY DR. LUC MAES, N.D. Last week, I talked about the important role of the microbiome in the times...
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Get a  Healthy Glow by Nourishing Your Microbiome - KAIBAE

Get a Healthy Glow by Nourishing Your Microbiome

Written by Dr. Luc Maes
By now you’ve probably heard that your gut is home to billions of microbes, but did you know that your skin has a microbiome too?  Modern life can be tough on your skin microbiome, but there are certain ways to nourish it and achieve that healthy glow!  Read more1
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Carbon Neutral at Checkout With EcoCart! - KAIBAE

Carbon Neutral at Checkout With EcoCart!

Written by Barbara Maes
In the US, the average person emits 16 tons of carbon dioxide each year meanwhile, the global ave...
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KAIBAE Impact Report: Making an Impact Beyond Our Wildest Dreams - KAIBAE

KAIBAE Impact Report: Making an Impact Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

Written by Barbara Maes


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Hello, How Are You, Are You Well? - KAIBAE

Hello, How Are You, Are You Well?

Written by Barbara Maes
"Kaibae" means "Hello, how are you, are you well?" It is a common greeting in Kusaal, the languag...
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Is Baobab Fruit Powder The Super Food of the Future? - KAIBAE

Is Baobab Fruit Powder The Super Food of the Future?

Written by Carmen Eulberg
In efforts to diversify our food staples, food futurists are looking far and wide for “new” foods to add to our everyday choices. That’s where an undervalued plants like Baobab comes in!
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15 Reasons Baobab Oil Is The Best For Your Hair and Skin - KAIBAE

15 Reasons Baobab Oil Is The Best For Your Hair and Skin

Written by Dr. Luc Maes
Whoever said, “You can’t have it all,” clearly didn’t know about Baobab Oil.  Baobab oil is a bea...
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Secret Soulmates: Probiotics Love Prebiotics! - KAIBAE

Secret Soulmates: Probiotics Love Prebiotics!

Written by Barbara Maes
Everyone’s heard that probiotics are essential in a healthy diet. In fact, you’ve probably eat...
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Sustainable Brands: How To Save Nature With the Things You Buy - KAIBAE

Sustainable Brands: How To Save Nature With the Things You Buy

Written by Carmen Eulberg
By now most of us are aware that the planet is in trouble. Recent studies have revealed that if w...
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There’s WHAT in my GUT?! - KAIBAE

There’s WHAT in my GUT?!

Written by Barbara Maes

How do you support your gut bacteria for optimum health? You've probably heard of probiotics, AKA the good bacteria in your digestive system. Well, probiotics have a lesser-known best friend, prebiotics

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Meet your kid’s new BFF: bacteria! - KAIBAE

Meet your kid’s new BFF: bacteria!

Written by Carmen Eulberg
As a parent, your children’s health is one of your highest priorities. You want to protect them ...
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Kaibae’s Guide to a Healthy Summer Saturday - KAIBAE

Kaibae’s Guide to a Healthy Summer Saturday

Written by Barbara Maes
We take Saturday mornings during summer very seriously. The rest of the year we like to nestle be...
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Baobab: The One Superfood For Beautiful Skin And Healthy Weight - KAIBAE

Baobab: The One Superfood For Beautiful Skin And Healthy Weight

Written by Carmen Eulberg
Great skin isn’t the only benefit of baobab. Its tangy-sweet fruit powder supports the immune system, improves digestion, and can even aid weight loss! 
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Beauty Ingestibles & Why They Are All the Rage - KAIBAE

Beauty Ingestibles & Why They Are All the Rage

Written by Barbara Maes
When it comes to beauty, it sometimes seems like there is no easy answer. Serums, moisturizers, ...
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The Baobab: A Symbol of Nature’s Resiliency - KAIBAE

The Baobab: A Symbol of Nature’s Resiliency

Written by Dr. Luc Maes
The Baobab has been in the news this past week. Science Magazine, National Geographic, The New Y...
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So, What Is A Lost Crop Anyway? - KAIBAE

So, What Is A Lost Crop Anyway?

Written by Carmen Eulberg

Dr. Luc Maes says it best:

“Kaibae uses wild crafted plants, as nature intended, not modified by man. Nature shaped these plants in the wild, concentrating vital nutrients, making them hardy and beautiful, ensuring longevity in the harsh environments of the Ocean, the Amazon and the Savanna. There is a wisdom within plants that organize their nutrients to live long. It is that wisdom that Kaibae is bottling to make people healthy and beautiful. These ancient plants will disappear if we do not capture that wisdom and vitality. We can only save these plants by supporting communities to use these plants wisely, by creating sustainable harvesting opportunities which ultimately protects the environment. These plants once lost now are found, and they are precious to the survival of the planet and humanity.” -Dr. Luc Maes, Kaibae Co-Founder

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